Waiting for Dawn /Eshita Bhattacharyya  / India

May 202020
Waiting for Dawn
Outside my window,
I see an empty street holding memories of a busy day. 
It silently narrates the tale of what we once
Considered boring or mundane.
The chatter of voices once mingled with greetings and joy,
Are now a distant tune for us to rejoice.
Today, only shadows travel on the roads,
Which were once filled with laughter and life;
Painting us an impression of a familiar once upon a time.
Yesterday was beautiful in its predictable simplicity.
However, today we are forced to face a different story.
And as time and distance melts into one entity;
We stand still and wonder, is this our new reality?
But never do we stop clinging to hope; 
Although divided by the circumstance,
We are united by an invisible force.
And soon there will be a tomorrow,
Much like our yesterdays.
There will be a new sunrise,
Just like there is night at the end of each day.
Today will soon convert into yesterday,
And each tomorrow will be a new today;
Our present will turn into a memory, 
Some we will hold on forever,
While others will wash away.
The sands of time will continue to flow;
For some the water will be shallow, 
while there will be others who would struggle to stay afloat;
But in the end, these troubles are bound to  fade away,
Leaving behind only a shadow of yesterday. 
Time will continue to do what it does;
Constantly reminding us that there will
Always be a new dawn waiting for us.
Eshita Bhattacharyya 

  One Response to “Waiting for Dawn /Eshita Bhattacharyya  / India”


    Beautifully written and so apt in these dreadful time of COVID-19.

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