Hello Mr. Trump / By Mahnaz Badihian

Dec 152015


Hello Mr. Trump

By Mahnaz Badihian

We did not come to your country,

The country you created in your mind

We came to the land of the

statue of Lady Liberty

With heart and love for all her kids

Regardless of race, color and religion

We came to the land of equal opportunity!

We did not come to the country of a man

Who hates blacks, Hispanics and Moslems

A man who does not respect women for their brain.

We did not come to the country of uninformed

Casino moguls to divide us! to rule us!

You know we are here because

Someone just like you ruined our motherland


Go back to your casino job and your bank account

Your baby steps in politics are already leading to disaster

Go now and wipe the tears from Lady Liberty’s face!

By the way, it’s OK to be bald !!


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