poem by Bhuwan Thapaliya

Mar 152010

Suppression, I accept not
by Bhuwan Thapaliya

I came
into this world
not like the river
but like a drop of water
and will soon evaporate I came
into this world
not like the river
but like a drop of water
and will soon evaporate

I am only
a drop of water
in the majestic ocean
of nature

I yearn
to create
a vigorous ripple
of freedom,
in the eternity of the water

For I am a man
of eternal freedom,
and suppression
I accept not …
I will not accept it

The living God
within me urges
me to be free, and to
march on the road
of freedom sans any dread

My heart,
like Einstein,
thinks in another dimension
unknown and unknowable …
even to my own mind

And like Goethe,
looks at things
in a different manner,
different than those thinkers
bestowed with pristine minds

the gift of God,
is the inherent right
of every individual
in this compressed world

I will fight
till the end
to free the masses
from the grip of suppression
and ignite the lamp of freedom

I will free the masses
or die in the attempt
but I will never
live to see
the naked dance of repression

I am not afraid
of those suppressors,
nor am I afraid of the death
that they are planning for me;
they can kill me but not freedom forever

My blood boils
whenever I see the strong ones
pulverising the lean, and my heart cries
whenever I see the starving pauper
in the abattoir of the prosperous butcher

For me
a red rose is a red rose
it is not white
just because they call it white
to disguise the ignorant

They can
conquer Everest
but not my spirit
they can stagnate the river
but not my impetus

They can
take my
sight away
but not
my vision of freedom

They can
cut my
tongue into pieces
but not
my voice of freedom

They can
stab me with the
dagger of despotism
but not impede
the blood of freedom

I know
the road to freedom
is blocked with obstacles
but obstacles cause no despair
if they are encountered with hope

We must act now
and not merely
just look away
when our freedom
is threatened from within

it is better
to perish without freedom
than to have a yearn for freedom
but not the valour to harvest it

Don’t be a coward …

Be prepared to receive
bullets to your chest
because, in the struggle
of freedom, tolerance
of suppression is an offence

Stand up … stand up

Gather your courage. Come out
into the field; let’s march hand in
hand together, right beneath the
nose of the suppressors, for the
emancipation of our freedom

Let us not forget that …

The ocean is composed of drops
of water, and all drops possess
equal potentials, but only, when
they mix with other drops do
they form a powerful bond

So …

Listen, my oppressed brothers
listen, my trodden sisters
listen … listen
to the natural desire
of your ceaseless soul

Do not fear
trust your soul
and march ahead
with a resolute heart
for the better tomorrow

And scatter
the seeds of freedom,
where does it go?
it does not matter
scatter it more with hope

Welcome the freedom
welcome it today
and enjoy it evermore
but do not use your freedom
to suppress the people’s soul
to suppress the people’s soul

copyright 2010 Bhuwan Thapaliya

Bhuwan Thapaliya was born in Kathmandu in 1976, and is one of the most widely read Nepali poet writing in English in the West today. He is the author of,” Our Nepal, Our Pride (Cyberwit.net, ISBN 978 – 81- 8253 – 115 -4)”, narrative verses of love, peace and human understandings. He is presently working on his New and Selected Poems. His main theme often hinges round the globalization of love, peace and universal solidarity. He is seen by many as scandalous because he openly expresses his viewpoints in his lifestyle through his poems. Nonetheless, He has read his poetry across the country and abroad. His poems and articles have been widely published in such journals and periodicals such as Kritya, The Foundling Review, Tajmahal Review, Nuveine Magazine, Poetry Life and Times, VOICES( Education Project), The Vallance Review, Longfellow Literary Project, The Global Politician and Poets Against the War. His poetries have been published in the CD’s and Books such as The New Pleiades Anthology of Poetry (ISBN 1- 878431-52- 8) and Tonight: An Anthology of World Love Poetry (The Poets Printery, East London, South Africa,2008, pp.118, Paperback, ISBN 0-620-41372-7).

  One Response to “poem by Bhuwan Thapaliya”


    What a thought provoking poem. Lucky to read this write and I think I have found my poet. Got to google the poet up and read more. Thanks.

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