MahMag World Literature

VISUAL METAPHOR/Art Exhibition/Mahnaz Badihian


Entrance to Live Worms Gallery is free. 
The gallery and exhibition hours are:
Dec. 7th   6:00 – 9:00 pm Artist Reception
Dec. 8th 12:00 – 8:00 pm
Dec. 9th   1:00 – 5:00 pm

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – NOVEMBER 20, 2018 — San Francisco’s LIVE
WORMS GALLERY is proud to announce its latest exhibition, “VISUAL
METAPHOR,” featuring the paintings and visual art pieces of San Francisco’s
own award-winning poet and artist Mahnaz Badihian, from DECEMBER 7th-
9th, 2018. 

The exhibit presents the images of a poet and painter whose art vividly
portrays the different layers of her life: the poet and artist; the childhood in the
Middle East and a lifetime lived in the United States; the sensitive soul of the
creative spirit and the harrowing pain of exile and devastating world events.  
“My brush and pen explain and explore life as it happens,” says Badihian.
“Without brush and pen, I would be lost in the solitude and alienation that I
found myself in since childhood. Whatever may affect me, whether happiness,
war, human suffering, or raw creative impulse, it has always been expressed
by my brush and pen.”

My artistic expression began in elementary school, when my compulsion to
articulate myself was manifested in writing poetry and short stories and
painting with whatever material was available to me. Some of my earliest work
remains because my mother, even through a revolution which shook our
country to the core, managed to hold on to a few precious writings and
artworks. At 18, I began my formal training in art, under Master Nasr Esfahan
in the ancient creative capital of Iran, my hometown, Esfahan. I published my
first poem as a teenager in Iran as well, in a local newspaper that was popular
in our neighborhood. 

Life took me through many different experiences but art and poetry never left
my side. In addition to publishing my poems, I also began translating. My
Persian translation of Pablo Neruda’s “Book of Questions” became an
underground hit within in Iran, with various black market publications of it
overtaking the original publication to meet public demand. In 2005, I decided
to formalize my creative education, having practiced as a Registered Nurse
and later Dentist for years, by completing an MFA from Pacific University in
Oregon. My previous exhibitions have been in Baltimore, MD; Iowa City, IA;
and London, England. Most of my paintings are in private collections in the
United States, Europe and Middle East.

Live Worms Gallery was created in early 2001 by Kevin Brown, an abstract
painter and a former international airline pilot. This raw and historical space
was immediately embraced by all art worms from North Beach and beyond. It
is being recognized as the artists’ paradise where artistic expressions can be
transformed into conceptual, realist, modern, or traditional walk-in canvas.
Live Worms Gallery is one of the signature galleries to present North Beach’s
Art First Fridays. 

1345 Grant Ave (between Green & Vallejo)
San Francisco CA, 94133

VISUAL METAPHOR/Art Exhibition/Mahnaz Badihian was last modified: December 3rd, 2018 by mahmag
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