Anis Shivani- City

Aug 182012



anger flubs wire-ribboned brain’s race-cart

before barrels of love raining like silent (class-bound) letters

comes the foretold day of tactless superstar beliefs

dying like decrepit Abraham in holocene-tarp, mood swingers

engaged in happenstance statistical talk

fire and the tall spires of mania rue Monday morning

grief among well-endowed partners at ex parte balance of money

hidden in open pits of marshmallow bones

infertile rental babies

jasmine justifications peddled in pain on paper pavements

killed, I in juvenile skirt, by carbolic cops

lovely meter-maid

my post-operative blues, brutal bandaged wrists

nice enough for your slick carotid veins?

opposite the sinewy glass cathedral a ticker bomb

pale as the noon hour, pacified bullet,

questions dead sixtieth-floor chiefs

rattling like rats on the hammock of desire

singing corporate anthems

talking sushi-raw Whitman

under burping sky

values voters married to theftless expensive purses

woo their mothers, grinding the points of sex-killing six-inch heels

explaining, as though through quantum fatigue, old money itself

yes, in the mood of tar and failure of Pynchon’s V.

zero for talk, zero for the talkative cancerous breast


 Anis Shivani’s debut book of poetry is My Tranquil War and Other Poems (May 2012).  His other books are The Fifth Lash and Other Stories (2012), Against the Workshop:  Provocations, Polemics, Controversies (2011), and Anatolia and Other Stories (2009).  His work appears in Georgia Review, Southwest Review, Threepenny Review, Boston Review, Iowa Review, Antioch Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, and elsewhere.

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