What Fear?

Nov 182011

What Fear?

by; Mahnaz Badihian

They always scared us of poverty

Now what is left to be scared of?

We are all poor together

They always scared us from breaking laws

What fear?

They broke all the laws in front of our eyes

And the world was witnessing

They scared us from homelessness

What now?

We are all homeless

They scared us with blood and death everyday

What fear?

We see blood and killing and terror

In our media everyday enough that

Now we are used to seeing the killing and bombing

On our TV as a routine day by day movie

They scared us of left becoming right and

Right becoming left

What now?

That neither left nor right can solve the big human misery

Now our only fear should be

Separation of our hands

Separation of our voice

Voice of 99%


painting by mahnaz badihian

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