A letter to the Oakland California police

Oct 262011

Dear Sheriffs and Officers,

Cease and desist all violence against the Occupy Oakland movement.

The violence committed against the protestors is a crime which is
worse than the alleged crime of the protestors’ being there. Even the
curfew law is of lesser importance than the law that human beings
should not hurt other human beings.

Your organization has taken a peaceful protest and turned into
something dangerously similar to a war scene.

There is a higher authority at work, helping these protesters, and
your violence against the men and women of the Occupy Movement is
against the higher authority of God.

Remember it is your motto to protect and to serve.

But your violence does not protect or serve anyone! The people who
order such violence to occur do not intend to protect or serve anyone
but themselves (the 1%).

Because there is no State organization which is there to stop the
crimes of the police,
you are left with the authority of your conscience to tell you what is
right and wrong.

Do not follow an order if it will hurt another human being!

There is a concept in our society of civil disobedience. The Occupy
Movement is an act of civil disobedience.
Police violence is an act of war!

Even as police officers, you have the right to civil disobedience. Use it!

If the police violence continues to escalate, the people will just
have more and more reason to rise against your authority.

People will lose respect for you, whatever respect people might have
for you is diminishing with your acts of violence.

Join us in the fight against police brutality. The rewards of helping
the movement will prove to be truly great, while the punishment of
fighting against the movement will be even greater.


A concerned citizen

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