The Issue


The moon is a universal talisman for poets, the night sky being perhaps
the oldest map for the human desire to read meaning into the natural
world.The moon, an ancient lamp, reflects and illuminates, causes waves with its magnetism; it stands for the poet.

“Mah” in MahMag means “moon” in Persian as well as Urdu, my mother
tongue. It is also the prefix of Mahnaz, the name of the founding editor
with whom I share the vision of congregating here, in these pages, from
all corners of the world as bearers of distinct cultures and philosophies,
partaking in the spirit and art of poetry.

The City Issue

Poets featured here question the city’s walls, shake up the brick and mortar icons of superpowers, trans-posit the ironies and dilemmas of life onto the surrounding cityscape. Included, also, is art based on our theme.

In future issues, we will explore this theme further: marketplaces, old and new, souls lost in the hustle and bustle, cities of fantasy, cities in despair, border cities, forgotten cities, cities under siege. We hope to see deeper, darker, brighter and larger truths emerge from this mosaic of city poems.

Read The City Issue 

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